FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Financial Background

wanted the money supply to be controlled by their elected
representatives, and not the money interests of Wall Street. They
created the People’s Party, and ran their own independent presidential
candidate in 1892. And in 1896, they hitched their wagon to the
campaign of Democrat William Jennings Bryan, who lost to McKinley,
effectively ending the Populist movement.

This political movement created the initial stirrings for what eventually
became the Federal Reserve Act.


The end of the Civil War in 1865 ruined the Illuminati’s chances to
control our monetary system, as they did in most European countries.
So, the Rothschilds modified their plan for financial takeover. Instead
of tearing down from the top, they were going to start at the bottom to
disrupt the foundation of our monetary system. The instrument of this
destruction was a young immigrant by the name of Jacob Schiff.

The Schiff family traced their lineage back to the fourteenth century,
and even claimed that King Solomon was an ancestor. Jacob Schiff
was born in 1847, in Frankfurt, Germany. His father, Moses Schiff, a
rabbi, was a successful stockbroker on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
In 1865, he came to America, and in 1867, formed his own brokerage
firm with Henry Budge and Leo Lehmann. After it failed, he went back
to Germany, and became manager of the Deutsche Bank in Hamburg,
where he met Moritz Warburg (1838-1910), and Abraham Kuhn, who
had retired after helping to establish the firm of Kuhn & Loeb in New

Kuhn and Loeb were German Jews who had come to the United States
in the late 1840’s, and pooled their resources during the 1850’s to start
a store in Lafayette, Indiana, to serve settlers who were on their way to
the West. They set up similar stores in Cincinnati and St. Louis. Later,
they added pawnbroking and money lending to their business
pursuits. In 1867, they established themselves as a well-known
banking firm.

In 1873, at the age of 26, Jacob Schiff, with the financial backing of the
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