FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Bringing the World Together


The citizens of the United States refused to accept the League of
Nations, because they felt it would draw them into future European
conflicts. Frank B. Kellogg (who in 1925 became Secretary of State
under Coolidge), inspired by the American “outlawry of war”
movement, and supported by those who were disappointed at the
failure of the United States to enter the League, proposed a pact to the
French Foreign Minister, Aristide Briand in the spring of 1927. Its
purpose was to create alliances directed against a possible resurgence
of German aggression. This Pact of Paris was signed on August 27,
1928, by 65 nations, who promised to settle all international disputes
by peaceful means.
Because of the efforts of Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, who saw through
Wilson’s plan, the United States didn’t join the League, and in 1921,
made a separate peace treaty with Germany and Austria.

The League of Nations, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland,
throughout the 1920’s, gained new members, and helped settle minor
international disputes. However, weakened by the failure of the United
States to join, and the restlessness of nations who were not satisfied,
such as Japan, Italy and Germany, the Illuminati’s second attempt at
establishing a one-world government failed. The League had little
impact on international affairs, and ceased to exist in 1946 when the
United Nations was established.

What the League of Nations did do, was allow the Illuminati to get more
of a grip on world finances. Countries which belonged to the League,
sought financial aid from the United States, wherein Rockefeller said
that no country could get a loan unless the International Bankers
controlled the bank. If they had no bank, they were able to set one up.
Through the Bank for International Settlement, established in 1930, the
Illuminati was able to control more of the world’s money.


When Weishaupt founded the Order of the Illuminati, he adopted the
All-Seeing Eye symbol of Masonry, to be the symbol of the
organization. It is the Great Pyramid of Cheops, with the capstone
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