FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Domestic Tampering

membership of a half-million. Its leaders had controlled the NAACP,
the Urban League, and other Black organizations, and often worked
closely with the ACLU. Their influence on advertising with some major
department stores, hotel chains, and major corporations, has been
able to slant the media toward Blacks. Nearly half of their annual
budget comes through donations from non-Jews.

The American League to Limit Armaments was established on
December 18, 1914, a spin-off of the Emergency Peace Federation, led
by communist Louis Lochner. The League was organized by Jane
Addams, John Haynes Holmes, George Foster Peabody, Stephen Wise,
L. Hollingsworth Wood, and Morris Hillquit, all communists and
socialists. In 1915, they changed their name to the American Union
Against Militarism, establishing a Civil Liberties Bureau to oppose
draft laws, The director of the Bureau, socialist Roger Baldwin,
reorganized it into the National Civil Liberties Bureau, and in 1920, with
the help of Jane Addams, Clarence Darrow, Norman Thomas, Felix
Frankfurter, and Arthur Garfield Hays, founded the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU). Their goal was to fight for “the rights of man
(as) set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.”

The original National Committee of the ACLU included, Elizabeth
Gurley Flynn and William Z. Foster, who both later became Chairmen
of the Communist Party; communist Scott Nearing; and Norman
Thomas, Socialist Party Chairman. Since the 1920’s, 80% of its
National Committee members had Communist connections. In 1935,
Baldwin said: “I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for
abolishing the State itself as an instrument of violence and
compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of
the propertied class and social control of those who produce wealth.
Communism is the goal.”

In 1920, a Joint Committee of the New York State Legislature reported
that the ACLU “in the last analysis is a supporter of all subversive
movements; and its propaganda is detrimental to the interests of the
State. It attempts not only to protect crime, but to encourage attacks
upon our institutions in every form.” A September, 1923 report by the
United Mine Workers of America, said that the group “is working in
harmony and unity with the Communist Superstructure in America ...
conducting a nationwide campaign for the liberation of Bolshevik
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