FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Council on Foreign Relations

on his own to bring about change, so he could head the world
government. On May 21, 1971, James Reston (CFR) wrote in an article
that appeared in the New York Times: “Mr. Nixon would obviously like
to preside over the creation of a new world order, and believes he sees
an opportunity to do so in the last twenty months of his first term.” It is
likely that the plan to get rid of Nixon was beginning to take shape at
that time.

In the summer of 1973, Republicans partial to Nixon had announced to
the Washington media that they wanted Nixon to be elected to a third
term and had organized a group known as ‘The Committee to Repeal
the Twenty-Second Amendment.’ The movement sort of died within a
couple of weeks. Then in October, came the rumor that Nixon may be
considering a military coup to stay in office. Gen. Alexander Haig told
the Congress during his confirmation hearings for the position of
Secretary of State on January, 1981, that some people in Washington
were “flirting with solutions which would have been extra-
Constitutional.” Watergate Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski warned
the grand jury, that if they decided to indict Nixon, he may use force to
remain in office. In June, 1982, Harold Evans, Watergate grand juror,
appearing on a segment of the ABC-TV news show “20/20.” said that
Jaworski told them, that if they indicted Nixon, he might “surround the
White House with armed forces.”

On October 26, 1973, in a Washington Star article called “Has
President Nixon Gone Crazy?” syndicated columnist Carl Rowan
wrote: “ the face of a vote to impeach he might try, as ‘commander-
in-chief’ to use military forces to keep himself in power.” In another
article called “The Pardon,” in the August, 1983 edition of the Atlantic
Monthly, Seymour Hersh, one of Nixon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote
that in a December 22, 1973 meeting:

“He kept on referring to the fact that he may be the last hope,
(that) the eastern elite was out to get him. He kept saying, ‘This is
our last and best hope. The last chance to resist the fascists’ (of
the left). His words brought me straight up out of my chair. I felt
the President, without the words having been said, was trying to
sound us out to see if we would support him in some extra-
constitutional action ... (Secretary of Defense James) Schlesinger
began to investigate what forces could be assembled at his order
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