FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Setting the Stage for World War II

Whatever the case, it is included in this book because it may contain
some clues about the early stages of the Illuminati conspiracy, and the
people behind it.

French Jesuit, the Abbé Barruel, who in 1797 wrote the five-volume
Memoire pou servir á l ́histoire du Jacobinisme, received a copy of a
letter in 1806, from J. B. Simonini, an army officer in Florence. In it was
a statement that the Jews “promised themselves that in less than a
century, they would be the masters of the world.” This letter had been
widely circulated in France. It was later revealed that the letter had
been fabricated by the French police to turn Napoleon against the

In 1848, Hermann Goedsche, a German postal official, forged letters
indicating that Benedic Waldeck was conspiring to assassinate
Frederick William IV, the King of Prussia. After it became known that
they were forgeries, he was removed from his job, and he began
writing under the pseudonym, Sir John Retcliffe. One of those novels,
Biarritz, written in 1868, contained a chapter titled, “In the Jewish
Cemetery in Prague,” in which the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel
met with Satan to tell him of their plans to control the world. However,
the covert proceeding was witnessed by two men, who then dedicated
their lives to fighting the Satanic Jewish plot. In 1872, Russian anti-
Semites printed the chapter in a pamphlet, as fiction based on fact. It
was reprinted in 1876 and 1880. In July, 1881, the story was published
in the French paper Le Contemporain as fact, and all of the speeches
by each tribal head were consolidated into a single speech,
supposedly made by a chief rabbi in a secret meeting of influential
Jews. To substantiate the claim, it was said to have been taken from a
forthcoming book by English diplomat, Sir John Readclif (a take-off on
Goedsche’s pen name), called Annals of the Political and Historic
Events of the Last Ten Years.

In 1891, the story appeared in the Russian newspaper Novorossiysky
Telegraf, which established that the speech was made in 1869 by a
rabbi to a secret Sanhedrin (possibly referring to the First Congress of
Reformed Judaism, held in Leipzig). Its authenticity, again, was
supported by the fictional Sir John Readclif. Later, in the October 21,
1920 issue of La Vielle France, the newspaper said there was a striking
analogy between the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the discourse
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