FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Setting the Stage for World War II

humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all the world of the holy
seed of David must sacrifice to his people all personal inclinations.”

It concludes by saying that “certain members of the Seed of David will
prepare the Kings and their heirs ... 0nly the King and the three who
stood sponsor for him will know what is coming.” It is signed “ the
representatives of Sion, of the 33rd^ degree.” These strange references
have been linked to a little known organization known as the Prieuré
de Sion, which will be discussed in a later chapter. It is possible that
the original text of the Protocols was based on a document taken from
this organization, which was altered by Sergei Nilus, to make the entire
Jewish race look bad.


As a youth, Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) fled Austria, and went to Germany
to escape the draft. He was arrested, and in February, 1914, a report
was put in his file, which read in part: “Unfit for military or auxiliary
service; too weak; incapable of bearing arms.” This was the man that
the Illuminati would choose to further their goals. As a puppet of the
Illuminati, he was used to set the stage for the conflict which would
eventually lead to the establishment of the United Nations, a major
step towards one-world government; and to shame the world into
allowing the State of Israel to be established.

Edward George Bulwer-Lytton (1803-73), a graduate of Cambridge
University, and a Mason, who became a member of the British
Parliament, wrote a novel in 1871 called Vril: The Power of the Coming
Race, about a super-race of white Aryans that took control of the
world. Researchers consider him responsible for the birth of the Nazi
movement, because Hitler was said to have been influenced by this
book, and another novel, Rienzi: The Last of the Roman Tribunes,
which was adapted into a major opera by German composer Richard
Wagner. After seeing Rienzi for the first time in November, 1906, Hitler
talked about a “mandate which, one day, he would receive from the
people, to lead them out of servitude to the heights of freedom.” He
believed that he would be entrusted with a special mission. He later
told Frau Wagner, the composer’s widow: “In that hour it began (the
Nazi movement known as National Socialism).”
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