FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Setting the Stage for World War II

of Communists who had been employed and were acting on behalf of
the Illuminati.

In May, 1943 the Allies had pushed the Germans out of Africa, invading
Sicily in June, and in September, pushed their way through Italy, on
the way to Southern Germany, their weakest point. However, the U.S.
withdrew troops from the invasion force so they could be used in a
later invasion of France. In his 1950 book Calculated Risk, Gen. Mark
Clark said that this decision was “made at high level and for reasons
beyond my field and knowledge.” Churchill had wanted the attack to
“bring the Central European and Balkan countries under Allied control,
before they were allowed to slip into Red slavery.” But instead, under
the leadership of Gen. Dwight David Eisenhower, the German advance
was spread out, which allowed the Russian forces to advance. Was
this an intentional move on the part of the United States to allow the
Russians an opportunity to pursue their ulterior motives. It certainly
seems so.

In the spring of 1943, a faction within the German Secret Service was
prepared to assassinate Hitler, and surrender, on one condition– that
the Soviets would not be allowed to advance into Central Europe.
Roosevelt refused to accept, and postponed a planned European
invasion, in order to give the Russians more time to advance, and
occupy more land. According to military documents released in 1970,
Gen. Eisenhower allowed the Russians to get to Berlin first, before the
Americans, which eventually allowed part of the city to fall under
Communist control.

Russia was able to come away from 1945 Conference in Yalta with so
much, because Roosevelt believed that the Russians were “perfectly
friendly. They aren’t trying to gobble up the rest of Europe. These fears
that have been expressed by a lot of people here that the Russians are
going to try and dominate Europe, I personally don’t think there is
anything do it ... I have just a hunch that Stalin ... doesn’t want
anything but security for his country, and I think that if I give him
everything I possibly can, and ask nothing in return, he won’t try to
annex anything and will work for a world of democracy and peace.”
Russia walked away from the bargaining table with Latvia, Estonia,
Lithuania, eastern Poland, east and central Europe, N. Korea, the Kuril
Islands, and the northern part of Sakhalin.
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