FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Communist Agenda

League. It advocated the abolition of property in land, and the
application of all land rent to public purposes; a heavy progressive or
graduated income tax; abolition of all rights of inheritance; the
confiscation of all the property of immigrants and rebels; centralization
of credit in the hands of the State with a national bank; centralization
and State control of all communication and transportation; expansion
of factories to cultivate waste lands, and create industrial armies,
especially for agriculture; gradual abolition of the distinction between
town and country to have a more equitable distribution of the
population over the country; the elimination of child factory labor and
free education for all children in public schools.

This revolutionary plan for socialism, which included the abolition of
all religion, was reminiscent of the doctrines of Weishaupt. It was
basicaIly a program for establishing a ‘perfect’ state, and it called for
the workers (proletariat) to revolt and overthrow capitalism (the private
ownership of industry), and for the government to own all property.
Marx, felt, that by controlling all production, the ruling power could
politically control a country. After the communist regime would take
over, the dictatorship would gradually “wither away” and the result
would be a non-government. The final stage of communism is when
the goods are distributed on the basis of need. Leonid Brezhnev, when
celebrating the 50th anniversary of the U.S.S.R., said: “Now the Soviet
Union is marching onward. The Soviet Union is moving towards

Meanwhile, Professor Carl Ritter (1779-1859), of the University of
Berlin, a co-founder of modern geographical science, was writing a
contrasting view, under the direction of another group of Illuminists.
The purpose of this was to divide the people of the world into
opposing camps with differing ideologies. The work started by Ritter,
was finished after he died, by German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm
Nietzsche (1844-1900), who founded Nietzscheism, which later
developed into Fascism, and then into Nazism, which was later used to
ferment World War II. Although the Nazis, in quoting from Nietzsche,
considered themselves to be the Master Race, Nietzsche did not.
Nietzsche tried to stir things up at the top of the social order, while
Marx hammered away at the bottom, concentrating on the lower class
and working people. Nietzsche wanted to keep the uneducated in a
state of slavery, while Marx wanted to neutralize the elite, and pushed
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