FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Communist Agenda

developed by author Aleksandr Herzen during the 1860’s. He felt that
the peasant communes could be the socialist society of the future, and
called for Russian Socialism to be based on the ancient peasant
tradition. The peasant revolt later developed into all-out revolution. In
1881, they succeeded in assassinating Czar Alexander II, and
continued to function as a conspiratorial organization. Many Populists
began advocating Marxist doctrine, and in 1883, led by Georgy
Plekhanov, established the Marxist “Liberation of Labor Group.”

Lenin wanted to use the Populists to overthrow the government and
introduce socialism. He added two Marxist elements to the Populist
theory: the notion of a class struggle, and the need for Russia to pass
through a stage of capitalism. He led the people to believe that the
purpose of his movement was to help the working class. In America
during the 1800’s, an alliance of various farming groups produced the
Populist Party in 1892, which came to be known as the National
People’s Party. With their slogan, “The people against the tycoons,”
they fought for an increase in currency circulation, free silver, labor
reform, a graduated income tax, government ownership of the
railroads, and the direct election of U.S. Senators. By 1896, they were
almost fully integrated into the Democratic Party, while their principles
were later embraced by the Progressive Party.

The Progressive Party was a coalition of socialists, labor leaders and
farmers, organized by Republican Senator Robert M. LaFollette of
Wisconsin in 1911 to oppose the conservatism of the Republican
Party, and to fight for an aggressive program of social legislation. They
later reunited with the Republican Party until 1924, when a coalition of
liberals, farmers, Republican progressives, socialists, and left-wing
labor leaders reorganized the Progressive Party, as LaFollette
promised to sweep conservatism out of the Federal government. He
wanted to “end control of government and industry by private
monopoly,” to have public control of natural resources, public
ownership of railroads, and a reduction in taxes.

When he died in 1925, the Party broke up, but was revived in 1948 by
Communist Party leaders and left-wing labor leaders. Their platform
included civil rights legislation, and called for negotiations with the
Russians. The Party’s credibility was damaged when it was revealed
that their leadership was communist dominated. The Progressive Party
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