FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Communist Agenda

he didn’t want war with England, but now was forced into battle with
them. By the end of May, the Netherlands and Belgium had fallen, and
France followed in June. In 1940, Russia moved against Latvia,
Lithuania, Estonia, Bessarabia (now Moldova), northern Bukovina (NE
Romania), and part of Poland. This sort of worried Hitler.

In England, the Illuminati-controlled press attacked Prime Minister
Chamberlain, because they felt their war against Germany was too
mild. The International Bankers wanted a major war. Chamberlain was
pressured into resigning, and Winston Churchill replaced him, and
immediately stepped up the war with an air attack on Germany.

A year later, the German High Command, unknown by Hitler, sent
Rudolph Hess to England to meet with Lord Hamilton and Churchill to
negotiate a Peace Treaty. Hess, next to Hitler, was Germany’s highest
ranking officer (credited for writing down and editing Hitler’s dictation
for Mein Kampf and also contributing to its content). The German
generals offered to eliminate Hitler, so they could join forces to attack
Communist Russia. Churchill refused, and had Hess jailed. He was
later tried and convicted at the Nuremberg war crime trials, and was
given a life sentence, which was served out at the Spandau prison in

Shortly after their failure, the German High Command convinced Hitler
to attack Russia, which he did. After overrunning Europe, 121 German
divisions, 19 armored divisions, and three air fleets, invaded Russia on
June 22, 1941. American communists urged the world to mount an
immediate united effort to help Russia.

The Nazi advance was swift and savage, with the German army
barreling deep into the Ukraine with one victory after another. Foreign
Policy experts predicted the defeat and collapse of the country. In
October, Kiev fell, and Hitler announced there would be a final effort to
take Moscow and end the war. On October 24, with his army 37 miles
from Moscow, Hitler planned on waiting until the winter was over
before he made his final attack. But then, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor,
and the U.S. entered the War.

Through a lend-lease agreement, America responded by sending $11
billion in raw materials, machinery, tools, complete industrial plants,
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