FINAL WARNING: The Illuminati Influence on International Affairs
‘Pipeline’). No wonder Clinton was able to survive all the media attacks
regarding his personal life and lack of experience. One of his top
money men was investor and international banker Jackson Stephens,
who also donated $100,000 to the Bush campaign. His wife was the Co-
Chairwoman of the national “Bush for President” organization in 1988.
Also in attendance, were Michael Boskin, Chairman of Bush’s Council
of Economic Advisors, who was a speaker; Nicholas Brady, U.S.
Treasury Secretary; and Vice President Dan Quayle, who impressed
the group enough, that there was talk of supporting him for the
Republican nomination in 1996. In fact, after the meeting, Bilderberger
member Katherine Graham, head of the Washington Post, published a
series of positive articles on Quayle.
At their 1992 meeting, the group discussed the possibility of
“conditioning the public to accept the idea of a UN army that could, by
force, impose its will on the internal affairs of any nation.” Henry
Kissinger, who attended the meeting, said: “Today, Americans would
be outraged if UN forces entered Los Angeles to restore order.
Tomorrow, they will be grateful.”
The official press release for their 2002 Conference said: “Bilderberg’s
only activity is its annual Conference. At the meetings, no resolutions
are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.” They
are just “a small flexible, informal and off-the-record international
forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual
understanding enhanced.” However, Phyllis Schlafly wrote in A Choice
Not An Echo, that the Bilderbergers are a “little clique of powerful men
who meet secretly and plan events that appear to ‘just happen’.”
In 1957, a 1,168 page book by Ayn Rand, called Atlas Shrugged, was
published. According to one source, Rand was alleged to be a
mistress to Philippe Rothschild, who instructed her to write the book
in order to show that through the raising of oil prices, then destroying
the oil fields and shutting down the coal mines, the Illuminati would
take over the world. It also related how they would blow up grain mills,
derail trains, bankrupt and destroy their own companies, till they had