FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Illuminati Influence on International Affairs

revealed that he died of a stroke as a result of an overdose of cocaine
and heroin. Rep. Huff just happened to be a very vocal supporter of Dr.
Strecker’s work to publicize the AIDS cover-up. Coincidence or

There was a vaccination program for Smallpox in Africa by the WHO.
Some researchers believe that the Smallpox vaccination program in
1972 was used to introduce the virus into the population. On May 11,
1987, the London Times ran an article called “Smallpox Vaccine
‘Triggered AIDS Virus’,” written by Science Editor Pearce Wright, who
linked the mass vaccination program of the World Health Organization
in the 1970’s to the outbreak of AIDS, because Central Africa was the
focus of the program, and they have become the most affected area in
the world.

Though in Africa, AIDS is generally regarded as a heterosexual
disease, in the United States, it has the stigma of being a ‘gay’ disease.
Prior to 1978, there was no sign of the AIDS virus here, yet in 1978, the
killer disease struck with a vengeance within the homosexual
community. The evidence points to the introduction of an experimental
Hepatitis B vaccine. In 1969, Dr. W. Schmugner, a Polish physician,
who was educated in Russia, came to the United States, where he
became head of the New York City Blood Bank. He set up guidelines
for a Hepatitis vaccine study, and only promiscuous males between
the ages of 20 and 40 were included in the study, which has led some
to believe that this was how the virus was introduced into the gay

In 1978, more than 1,000 non-monogamous gay adult males received
an experimental vaccination against Hepatitis B, which was sponsored
by the National Institute of Health and the Center for Disease Control.
With the Hepatitis vaccine, which is not produced from a human tissue
culture, it is impossible to have an accidental contamination, which
seems to indicate that the AIDS virus was intentionally put in the
vaccine. In 1981, the Center for Disease Control reported that 6% of
those receiving the Hepatitis vaccine were infected with AIDS, but in
1984, they admitted that it was actually 64%. These Hepatitis vaccine
studies are now in the possession of the Justice Department in
Washington, DC.
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