FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Ready to Spring the Trap

creators of the system they will rule the future.”

On the left, the U.S. Labor Party alleges that the Commission was
created by multinational companies in order to dominate American
foreign policy. Upon analysis, their economic plans leaned toward the
controlling of energy sources, food production, and the international
monetary system, so was there any reason to doubt that there were
ulterior motives to their agenda.

The July, 1977 issue of Atlantic Monthly reported: “Although the
Commission’s primary concern is economic, the Trilateralists
pinpointed a vital political objective: to gain control of the American
Presidency.” The author of the article, Jeremiah Novak, said: “For the
third time in this century, a group of American schools, businessmen,
and government officials is planning to fashion a new world order...”
and that they had achieved one of their objectives, which was to “gain
control of the American Presidency.” Craig S. Karpel wrote in his
November, 1977, Penthouse magazine article (first of three)–
Cartergate: The Death of Democracy:

“The presidency of the United States and the key cabinet
departments of the federal government have been taken over by a
private organization dedicated to the subordination of the
domestic interests of the United States to the international
interests of the multi-national banks and corporations. It would be
unfair to say that the Trilateral Commission dominates the Carter
Administration. The Trilateral Commission is the Carter

Late in 1972, W. Averell Harriman (known at that time as the “grand old
man of the Democrats”), Establishment strategist and CFR member,
told Milton Katz (also a CFR member), Director of International Studies
at Harvard: “We’ve got to get off our high horses and look at some of
those southern governors.” Carter was mentioned, and Katz informed
Rockefeller, who had actually met with Carter in 1971, when they had
lunch in the Chase Manhattan’s Board of Director’s dining room, and
he was impressed with the fact that Carter had opened trade offices for
the state of Georgia in Tokyo.

In February, 1973, while former Secretary of State Dean Rusk (a
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