FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

important that it is referred to as the ‘Seventh Seal.’

A group known as Sir Francis Bacon’s Sages of the Seventh Seal have
been the driving force behind the movement to uncover the vault.
Though there were unsuccessful attempts in 1938 (which did discover
the original church foundations) and 1992, they now believe that a
spiral staircase exists beneath the pyramid-shaped monument that
marks the centuries-old graves of David and Elizabeth Bray, and leads
to the vault, which they refer to as a “Freemasonry library.” Armed
with new evidence from their continued research, the group has
lobbied the Rev. Herman Hollerith IV, rector of the Episcopal Church,
to authorize a new, controlled, archeological dig, to raise the vault, so
that its contents can be studied, and protected from forces hostile to
the information it contains.

The Growth of the Masonic Movement

Inigo Jones (1573-1652) reorganized the Lodges, introducing the
Descartes rationalism, and they were now known as the Free and
Accepted Masons. Elias Ashmole, a banker, Rosicrucian, and founder
of the Oxford Museum, who became a Mason in 1648, established the
three basic degrees:

1) Entered Apprentice
2) Fellow-Craft
3) Master Mason

On June 24, 1717, the four lodges in London were united into a Grand
Lodge (sometimes called the Grand Mother Lodge) by three members
who met at the Apple Tree Tavern, thus beginning the era of modern
Freemasonry. Rather than being a guild of stone masons and builders,
they altered their philosophy and became a pseudo-religion who “tried
to cooperate with the Church so as to be able to work from the inside,
rationalize the doctrine of Jesus and empty it gradually of its mystical
content. Freemasonry hoped to become a friendly and legal heir to
Christianity. They considered logic and the rules of scientific thinking
as being the only absolute and permanent element of the human
mind.” By 1725, the movement had spread to France.
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