FINAL WARNING: Setting the Stage for Destruction
the Summer festival, when the first corn was harvested. This was the
Druid festival of Lughnasadh, which was dedicated to Lugh, the Celtic
sun god. It has become known as Lammas (‘loaf-mass’). Witches
celebrate this day to honor the sacred union of the goddess and the
horned god.
Also celebrated, to a lesser extent, are the four solar fire festivals: The
vernal equinox of March 21st (Alban Eilir, or the spring festival), and
the autumnal equinox of September 23rd (September 21st according to
A Witches’ Bible, Alban Elfrad, or the autumn festival); and the two
solstices (a Latin word which means “the sun stops”).
June 22nd (Alban Hefin, or the mid-summer night festival) has become
associated with the eve of St. John’s Day (June 24), which is when the
Feast of Saint John the Baptist is held. This is the oldest Church
observance, and is celebrated on the day of his birth. The exact day is
unknown, but the Bible indicates that he was born six months before
Jesus. It became part of the mid-summer celebrations because of the
summer solstice, which is the beginning of summer (June 20), and the
longest day of the year.
December 22nd, known as Yule (Alban Arthan or the mid-winter
festival), has become associated with the eve of St. Thomas Day
(December 21), which is when the Feast of Saint Thomas is held. The
observance was initiated in the 12th century to honor the apostle
Jesus appeared to and showed his wounds after the Resurrection,
because of his doubts. He is known as the patron saint of masons and
architects. It became part of the winter celebrations because of the
winter solstice, which is the beginning of winter (December 21), and
the longest night of the year.
Whether you know it or not, the Church of Wicca, the largest church in
the country devoted to the practice of Witchcraft, is a federally
recognized, tax exempt, non-profit, religious organization in the United
States. The Church of Satan, which was founded in San Francisco in
1966, is also considered a tax exempt religious organization.
Some other well-known churches are the Wicca Church of America,
Church of All Worlds, Universal Church of Wicca, Aquarian Tabernacle
Church, The Church of the Iron Oak, and the Church of Universal