FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

and believe in the existence of a Supreme Being.” Among their
affiliated organizations: The Order of Demolay, The Order of Rainbow
for Girls, and The Order of Job’s Daughters, which allow children as
young as 11 to become indoctrinated in Masonic teaching. The Order
of the Eastern Star, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine, and Daughters of the Nile are organizations closely aligned
with the Masons.

Their literature claims that “Freemasonry is not a religion even though
it is a religion in character ... does not pretend to take the place of
religion nor serve as a substitute for the religious beliefs of its
members ... (and) accepts men, found to be worthy, regardless of
religious convictions.” They claim that they exist “to make good men
better through its firm belief in the Fatherhood of God, the
Brotherhood of Man (and) consists of men bound together by bonds of
Brotherly Love and Affection.”

Examining Masonic Tradition

Any organization which strives to adhere to such a high moral
standard certainly should deserve our admiration and respect.
However, why have they elicited the criticism that they have? The
Vatican has issued many Edicts condemning Masonry: Pope Clement
XII in 1738, Pope Benedict XIV in 1751, Pope Plus VII in 1821, Pope Leo
XII in 1825, Pope Plus VIII in 1829, Pope Gregory XVI in 1832, Pope Plus
IX in 1846 and 1873, and Pope Leo XIII in 1884 and 1892. Pope Leo XXIII
said that the goal of the Masons was the “overthrow of the whole
religious, political and social order based on Christian institutions and
the establishment of a state of things based on pure naturalism.” Until
1974, the Roman Catholic Church had forbidden its members to be
Masons, and on March 21, 1981, the Vatican warned that “all Roman
Catholics who belong to Masonic lodges risk excommunication.”

In 1784, and again in 1845, the Bavarian government considered
Masonry a danger to the state. In 1814, The Regency of Milan and
Governor of Venice echoed these same sentiments. King John VI of
Portugal issued orders in 1816, and again in 1824, prohibiting the
operation of the fraternity. In Russia, in 1820, Alexander I banished the
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