FINAL WARNING: Setting the Stage for Destruction
“After inquirers are dealt with by ‘counselors’ and cards on each
are filled out, a ‘Co-Labor Corps’ sits at long tables until midnight
each night counting and sorting the cards and licking envelopes
that will go out in the morning mail to ministers of about 1,000
churches ... The ‘Corps’ sifts through maps and phone books,
finding the church nearest the addresses on the cards, regardless
of whether or not they are liberal, conservative, Protestant,
Catholic or Jewish...”
When he spoke at Notre Dame University (a Catholic institution) in
1977, and gave the ‘invitation,’ he said: “Many of you want to come
tonight and reconfirm your confirmation. You want to reconfirm the
decision that you made when you joined the church.” Nothing was
ever said about the sacrificial death of Jesus on the Cross, or about
the repenting of their sins. He even reassured them that his purpose
was not to get them to leave the Church to join another denomination.
In 1979, nearly 3,500 decision cards were given to the Catholic Church.
The Florida Catholic indicated that in 1983, the decision cards for 600
people from the Orlando crusade were given to the Catholic Church.
About 500 names from his 1987 Denver Crusade were given to the St.
Thomas Moore Roman Catholic Church. Graeme Keith, who was the
chairman of the Charlotte (North Carolina) Billy Graham Crusade
Committee, told the Charlotte Observer (March 1, 1996): “We have
Jewish, Catholic, Protestant and other denominations represented on
the committee...” At this Crusade, the decision cards of nearly 1700
people answering the altar call were given to the Catholic Diocese in
the area.
In one of his ‘My Answer’ columns, in response to a Roman Catholic
who was writing in regard to some of the changes going on in the
Catholic Church, Graham responded by telling him not to “pull out of
the church! Stay in it, stay close to the Lord, and use these
experiences as an opportunity to help your church be what God
intends...” Likewise, the counselors at his Crusades are warned not to
criticize the church or religious affiliation of any of the people who
come forward for Salvation.
Despite all of the evidence to the contrary, Graham’s people have