FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

Jesus, and references to Him, in Bible verses used in rituals are “slight
but necessary modifications.” Mackey also wrote in his Lexicon of
Freemasonry: “The religion then of Masonry is pure theism on which
its different members engraft their particular opinions, but they are not
permitted to introduce them into the lodge or to connect their truth or
falsehood with the truth of Masonry ... A Christian Mason is not
permitted to introduce his own peculiar opinions with regard to
Christ’s mediatorial office into the Lodge.” No Masonic prayers in
monitors, handbooks and guides, end in Jesus’ name, and if it is
discovered that they do, the Grand Lodge of that state will revoke their
charter. Edmond Ronayne (a Master Mason), wrote on page 74 of the
Masonic Handbook (later revised to eliminate the passage): “When a
brother reveals any of our great secrets ... or whenever a minister
prays in the name of Christ in any of our assemblies, you must always
hold yourself in readiness, if called upon, to cut his throat from ear to
ear, pull out his tongue by the roots, and bury his body at the bottom
of some lake or pond.” According to Morris in The Freemason’s
Monitor (or Webb’s Monitor), which omits any reference to the name of
Jesus: “Prayer ... should be of a general character, containing nothing
offensive to any class of conscientious brethren.”

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993), author of The Power of Positive
Thinking was a 33rd degree Mason and his name appeared in many
Masonic publications. In March, 1991, he was featured in the cover
story of The Scottish Rite Journal (formerly known as the New Age
magazine), and is quoted as saying that “Masonry became an early
and essential part of my success.” On Sunday, February 24, 1991,
Peale had told the congregation of Robert Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral
in California: “Jesus Christ, Buddha and Krishna are examples of great
philosophers who taught how to use mind power.” In May, 1991, at a
Dallas, Texas seminar for Christian writers, Dina Donahue, a
contributing editor for Guidepost magazine (which Peale founded),
said that any submission to the publication can never refer to the deity
of Jesus, and claim that He is the only means by which salvation can
be achieved. He can only be presented in a historical context as a
prophet and philosopher. She said that the reason for this was that
“Guidepost is an interfaith magazine, and Dr. Peale does not want to
offend those who are not Christians.”

In Les Sectes et Societies Secretes published in 1863, Le Couteulx de
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