FINAL WARNING: The Curtain Falls
for whom we feel the highest esteem. He was from his infancy
brought up for our brotherhood. Indeed, he was predicted by an
Essene, whom the woman thought to be an angel. This woman
was given to many imaginings, delving into the supernatural and
into the mysteries of life. Our brother the Essene has
acknowledged his part in these things and has persuaded the
brotherhood to search for and protect the child secretly.”
“Joseph, who was a man of great experience is life and of deep
devotion to the immortal truth, was influenced, through a
messenger of our Order, not to leave the woman nor disturb her
faith in the sacredness of her experience. He was told to be a
father to the child until our brotherhood should admit him as a
novice. Thus, during their flight to Egypt, Joseph, his wife and the
child were secretly protected and guided by our brotherhood.”
Apocryphal writings indicate that while in Egypt, Joseph and Mary
stayed at the monasteries of Wadi-el-Natrun, Mataria, and al-Moharraq,
which were run by the Essenes.
According to Josephus, the Essenes were “the most perfect of all
sects in Palestine.” He wrote that “they despise riches and worldly
gains and live in communes,” and “are the most honest people in the
world ... exercise justice and equality ... never marry, and they keep no
servants. They all live the same simple, industrious and frugal life.” He
described them as a secret brotherhood that were against the
Pharisees and Sadducees, abhorred violence, wore white robes, were
vegetarians, did not believe in animal sacrifice, studied the healing
properties of herbs, possessed a high moral standard, and observed
In 1963, scrolls known as the Talmud of Jmmanuel, were discovered
by Greek Catholic priest, Isa Rashid, in a cave he claimed was the
burial cave of Jesus. Written in old Aramaic, sealed in protective resin,
and buried under a flat rock, it is believed to have been written by
Judas Iscariot. Pieces of the scrolls were missing, some unreadable,
some deteriorating, yet, what had survived, was completely contrary to
the story of Jesus as related in the Bible.
The document claims that Joseph of Arimathea realized that Jesus