FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

Since its inception, over 2500 Yale graduates have been initiated. Its
members have assimilated themselves into every area of business and
government. Members have included: W. Averell Harriman (governor
of New York, and advisor to various Democratic presidents), William P.
Bundy (editor of the CFR’s journal Foreign Affairs), J. Hugh Liedtke (co-
founder of Pennzoil Oil Corp.), John Kerry (U.S. Senator from
Massachusetts), David Boren (U.S. Senator from Oklahoma), William
Sloane Coffin (President of SANE/FREEZE, Phi Beta Kappa), William F.
Buckley (conservative commentator, editor of the National Review
magazine), Gifford Pinchot (father of the environmental movement),
Potter Stewart (Supreme Court Justice), William H. Taft (27th
President), Archibald MacLeish (founder of UNESCO), Harold Stanley
(investment banker, founder of Morgan Stanley), Dean Witter, Jr.
(investment banker), Henry Luce (head of Time/Life magazines), Henry
P. Davison (senior partner of Morgan Guaranty Trust), Alfred Cowles
(of Cowles Communications), Richard Ely Danielson (of the Atlantic
Monthly magazine), Winston Lord (Chairman of the CFR, Ambassador
to China and assistant Secretary of State in the Clinton
administration), Russell Wheeler Davenport (of Fortune magazine),
McGeorge Bundy (national security advisor for President John
Kennedy), John Sherman Cooper (U.S. Senator from Kentucky), John
H. Chafee (U.S. Senator from Rhode Island), Henry Stimson (Secretary
of State for President Herbert Hoover), Robert A. Lovett (Secretary of
Defense for President Harry Truman), George H. W. Bush. (41st
President, Bilderberger, CFR and Trilateral Commission member until
1980), and George W. Bush (43rd President).

Nicknamed ‘Bonesmen,’ these establishment elites have become
members of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign
Relations, and have achieved high level positions in the
Administrations of various Presidents, the Congress, and the
government, in various capacities. From these positions, they can use
their influence to work towards their common goal of one-world

Both the Skull and Bones, and Phi Beta Kappa, are indicative of the
way the Illuminati functions. They know that if they can grab, control,
and mold young minds, then they will have unwitting pawns to do their
bidding, and could be called upon to contribute to their efforts. The
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