Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
Forest Hills, New York
March 15, 1944
My dear Neill,
You find enclosed in this letter two (2) registered letters.
They contain two scientific documents of the utmost importance, legal­
ized in the offices of the lawyer, John P. Chandler, on March 14th,
1944 ·
Please keep these documents somewhere among your precious things.
I honestly hope there will never be a time when it will be necessary to
use the publication of these letters in connection with this, still unun­
derstandable, attitude of Einstein. You may receive, sooner or later, a
letter urging you to make the contents of my registered letters public. I
would like to emphasize again that these documents are of decisive im­
portance for the further development of natural science.

  • • •

Summerhill School
F estiniog, North Wales
March 28, 1944
My dear Reich,
Yours [of February 7th] this morning. My "unconscious"
reaction at once was: Ignore Einstein. Do nothing to antagonise him.
Unlikely that you can now be reconciled. Make out a complete state­
ment of your discoveries. Put them in the Safe Deposit of your bank
and get a receipt saying what date the packet was deposited, so that,
whoever writes an article or a book later claiming or explaining anything
to do with Orgones, you can publ icly prove that you deposited the
whole Sache [thing] before the date of their publications. After all,
Einstein isn't the universe. Hence my advice is: Carryon as if you had
not had contact with him.
My metal has not come yet. It will have to be the bed cover, for
apart from the impossibility of getting wood for a real Akku, this house
is never warm enough to sit in a cage naked.
You still did not answer my suggestion of fasting to clear all organs
for the elimination of the cancer.
Re-my sending you an article: things move so fast that writing is not
easy ... what I wrote six months ago so often seems to me out of date.
Next time you write, tell me what you think of Sexology. Some of it

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