Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
attack at any time in any country with any consequence. Discuss the
matter with Ilse. I think she would be the one to take the responsibility,
and I would help her as long as circumstances pennit.


Forest Hills, New York
April 19 , 1947
My dear Neill:
I spoke to Hamilton about a possible lecture tour. He will do
what he can to bring one about.
The idea of Eastmond to deposit new discoveries in a bank in England
is exaggerating the dangers in the United States. Sometimes I wonder
where Fascism is growing, in the socialistic or bourgeois governments,
since everything is topsy-turvy and upside down. I feel we can do
nothing but wait and see, but I am preparing Orgonon for safety.

Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

My dear Reich,

  • • •

May 6, 1947

I had a wonderful time in Denmark and Sweden. Crowded
lectures, in Stockholm hundreds couldn't get in so they asked the
parson of a big church opposite if they could use the church. He con­
sented on condition that I didn't attack religion or say too much about
sex. Put me in a difficult dilemma, but I couldn't disappoint so many
people and spoke for an hour from the pulpit. Later a smaller party at
supper got all I couldn't say in church.
We stayed with the Leunbachs in Copenhagen. Met the psychology
gang. Philipson very amiable. His ideal is to have no transferences, but
from what I saw every patient of his had a very strong one, half positive,
half negative. His technique is primarily a talking one ... like lung and
Stekel; sit opposite and talk. The L.'s are giving their babies self­
regulation, having them shit and piss all over the place, and it seems
good, for at two the girl can handle cups and glasses easily, and they
automatically begin to use pots for shitting.
Sweden was paradise; shops with everything we haven't seen for years
here. I drank too much Schnapps and ate far too much and enjoyed it

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