Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

I say again that our gangster group of boys, 8 to I2 or so, is hateful
and destructive if late to bed. I must watch to see if their periodical
times of love-making coincide with their feeling rested bodily. Fancy me
trying to be scientific!
Pomerans. * My present impression is that he is one of the young men
who take up your work for neurotic motives, but let me give a report
when I talk to him. I've impressed on Eastmond that no one is allowed
to practise therapy using your name. Dunno how you can protect
My adolescents after 5 weeks' treatment are all brightening up a lot,
but there is a snag about adolescents ... one of them biffed me hard on
the jaw and a girl gave me considerable scratches. I've moved my chair
back a foot or two now.
Still thinking of America with warm feelings ... even tho today's
paper says there are 20 inches of snow in N.Y. None here so far, but
bitter east winds.
We had a lovely end of term party. I acted in a Scots play I had
written. And our kids act wonderfully well.
I hope you have a merry Xmas with lots of rye... An old boy
[former pupil] brought me a bottle of Scotch last night, so that mine
won't be a dry Xmas after all.

P.S. Ilse, Peter Pan is a most demoralising story. Barrie, the author,
fled from life, was impotent, but had a great childish phantasy. Here the
play is produced every Xmas (in London) and the stalls are full of
bald heads who never grew up, like Peter Pan, and children who go for
the Indians and the Pirates.

Next morning. Pomerans went off last night with the neurotic girl who is
promiscuous, so I haven't heard his tales of orgone work in S. Africa.
No, I don't feel he is the type we want in the movement, but then I
am always prejudiced against men who visit us and take no interest in
the kids or work, and only use S'hill as a place to have their promiscuous
free love in. However, don't take my opinion as yet; I may be misjudging
the fellow ... he is just over 20 and wears a beard, and the established
Jesus in S'hill doesn't want any rivals.

  • A young man from South Africa who called himself a psychoanalyst and
    claimed to be much interested in orgone biophysics.

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