Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
II [ 1936 -1 939 ]

Freud has produced." He is coming here for a weekend soon, and I'll
ask him what he thinks of the Orgasmus Reflex. He goes in two months
to settle in California.
I hope my stay with you this time will get me much farther on. I
fear that my stomach isn't now so loose as you made it. *


Oslo, Norway
May 16, 1938
Dear N eill!t
I should like to ask you to plan for the middle of August,
not for the beginning, because probably in the first two weeks of August
there will be a public demonstration here of my bion experiments.
which will take up my time.

Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

Dear Reich,

  • ••

May 22, 1938

All right, middle August. That will give me only about four
weeks in Oslo, for my wife is going to America and won't be back
when the school reopens middle September, and I'll have to be there
to do it. But of course what Europe will be like in August no one
knows. Today's news of Henlein and Co:!: might mean war at any mo­
ment, and in that case my breathing and orgasmus reflex become very
minor things in society.

* Reich held that parents force their children to repress their natural sexuality
and in so doing incur the hatred of the children, which is also repressed. These
repressions create anxiety, which is held at bay by a stiffening primarily of the
stomach muscles. These in turn remain stiff until the repressions and the con­
comitant anxiety are removed. Reich explained in The Function of the Orgasm that
it is by holding their breath that children are in the habit of fighting against con­
tinual and tormenting conditions of anxiety which they sense in the upper ab­
domen; they do the same thing when they sense pleasurable sensations in the
abdomen or in the genitals and are afraid of these sensations.
t Translated from the original German.
t Konrad Henlein, leader of the Sudeten-Germans in Czechoslovakia; his esca­
lating demands eventually led to the Munich crisis.
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