Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

(^13) [ 19 36 -1 939 ]
be entirely out of place. I am also writing to Malinowski· on this
same matter. In August an American physician, Wolfe,t will be here
from New York, whom in fact you will probably get to know. He is
coming here to study vegeto-therapy.t It is possible that I shall al­
ready be able to take you at the beginning of August, but we shall be in
touch about that later.
Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk
Dear Reich,

  • I •

June I, 1938

It is difficult to vorbereiten [prepare]. It is impossible to make
any application to the government unless you are certain to be put out
of Norway. It is useless for me to tell people that Reich is a genius and
ought to be allowed to come to England (or America). No English
government department would care a damn what Neill said. They
never heard of me. The only way is for me to try to get your work
known here. I am asking Professor Haldane§ if he would read your
Bione book. It is possible that if you could get an article in English
on the Bione and their possible application to disease, I could get it
published in The Lancet, ** for the editor has a problem son at my
school. To be invited to a country you must be known, and because
your books aren't translated into English you are known only to a few.
I dined with Stekellast week at Flugel'stt house. I asked him what he

  • Bronislaw Malinowski, the social anthropologist.
    t Theodore P. Wolfe, Swiss psychiatrist now established in the United States.
    A year later, he was instrumental in bringing Reich to New York and thenceforth
    remained closely associated with Reich and his work. Although English was not
    his native language, he became Reich's first translator; he helped set up the Orgone
    Institute Press and edited its journals.

  • A method of treating neurosis by direct physical attack on the nodes of
    muscular tension which, according to Reich, represented and sustained early,
    primarily sexual repressions. The repressed material set free when these tensions
    were broken down was then analyzed in terms of character structure. "Vegeto"
    is an abbreviation for "vegetative"; i.e., pertaining to the autonomic nervous
    § J. B. S. Haldane (1 892 -1 964), British biologist and geneticist.
    •• The most important British medical journal.
    tt J. C. Flugel, Freudian psychoanalyst and friend of Neill's; an early member
    of the British Psycho-Analytical Society and for some years co-editor of the
    International Journal oj Psycho-Analysis.

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