one must stick to sex-economy and orgonomy. One must [not] stray
away from it if one wants these results.
Write again soon, Neill. Hope to see you this summer, but where do
I put you up if the summer dwelling is unusable? We'll see ...
Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk
My dear Reich,
- I •
May 7, 1951
So eine Geschichte [What a story]! I can only guess that if it
hadn't been for the curative reaction of O. energy you'd all be dead in
Orgonon. But, friend, I fear that you won't have to worry about whether
the cottage will be safe for us to live in in August, for my chances of
getting a visa are I should think nil. I am trying to get reconciled to the
thought that I may never visit you again. The war situation grows
rapidly now, and I can't see any reconciliation between East & West
taking place.
I lectured twice last week. New Education Fellowship of Leicester,
about 100 teachers, and University College, Leicester, about 200
students. There I had a roar of hostility when I mentioned religion
suppressing sex. Maybe in these days of uncertainty the young are
seeking religion as a faith more than they did.
We may be going to spend the vacation in Norway. Elsa Backer has
invited us to her mountain hut. I'd have a chance to meet Raknes in
Oslo, but it will be difficult to pick up old threads. I've accepted the
invitation on the condition that no U.S. visa appears. Oh, I have dis
covered that my theory of the Consul was right; he is a Catholic.
A New Zealand teacher visiting us is trying to persuade me to
migrate there. I'm rather old to emigrate, and N .Z. would feel very
narrow after England. The temptation of course is to get Zoe away
from atomic war, but possibly N.Z. would get it too.
Isn't it interesting to think that stuff like Dianetics immediately gets
a big public and sale while your work and mine has to fight for years
to get a place?
You say the result of releasing very young babies is astounding. But
why is it so necessary? Kittens don't need it, and, I presume, Trobriand
mothers do not have stiffened babies. My concern about such methods
of treating babies is that it can only touch a very few. But I grant that