Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
[ 1936-1939 ]^16

My book, The Orgasm Reflex, * has already been translated into English
by Constance and is available for publication at any time.

  • • •

[Neill was in Oslo between June and September and worked with
Reich as planned. The following letter was written by Reich in
answer to one from Neill that is missing. The original is in

Oslo, Norway
September 16, 1938
Dear Neill!
Now an urgent request: I am at present getting everything
ready for the evacuation of my laboratory and its safekeeping. In this,
my primary concern is to ensure that the only existing proof of the
soundness of the bion research, namely the cultures I have on hand, be
taken permanent care of in the event of war and disaster, so that they
can reemerge unchanged. I am writing in this matter to Stockholm, to
the French Academy and to you. Please ask Bernal or whomever else

whether there is a biological or bacteriological institute that would be

willing to take care of the bion cultures; I would include an exact
description of how they are to be cared for. Only some ten glasses [i.e.,
retorts] are involved.
I do beg you to comply with this request of mine as quickly as
possible and to let me know who in England might be considered for
I am very glad that you are feeling so well. I really do believe that
this time you have accomplished a great deal.
With my very warmest greetings to you and your friends.

  • • •

* Orgasm us Reflex, originally published as a monograph; later included as
chapter 8 in The Function of the Orgasm.
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