Adamski, George, 392, 392n
Adler, Alfred, 58, 309
Agricultural Testament, An (Howard),
Akku, see orgone accumulator
Allen, George, 70
"American Men of Science," I I I, 125
Annals of the Orgone Institute, 167,
Arbeits-demokratie, see "Work
"Archives of Orgone Biophysics," 146
Association for Proletarian Sex Politics,
Babier Peace Offensive U.S.A. ( Reich) ,
Backer, Elsa (and family), 33, 39,41,
46,67,88,114,320, 3 27, 329
Badgeley, Elizabeth, 280 , 282
Baer, Karl, 164
Baker, Ellsworth F., 302, 302n, 303
Barakan, Alexander, 144, 161, 163-5,
(^167) - 9, 173, 177, (^179) - 82, 184-6, 20 1,
204-6, (^238) , 249, 2 51-2, (^258) , 279, 335 ,
338 - 9 ,352,397, 410
Barrie, James M., 116 , 236
Bernal, J. D., 15, 15n, 16 - 18, 21,23,
106, 108, 185, 219, 221,326, 361,
366, 385, 389, 391
Bion Experiments, The, see Bione, Die
Bion Experiments on the Cancer Prob
lem (Reich), 25, 25n, 27
Bione, Die (Reich), 7, 7n, 9, 13, 15, 17,
27,45,70, 106, 12 6
bions (Bione), 4n, 13, 16-30,57,60,
98, 98n, (^13) � 163, 254, 363
biopathy, 96, 96n, 135, 169, 244. 254,
268, 271
biophysics, orgone, 95, III, 118, 121-2,
135, 154, 158, 191, 252, 336
Biotechnic Press, 203, 205, 279
Blue Armour, 356
Boadella, David, 41 1, 41 In, 41 7n, 418
Bogen, Judith, 35, 35n, 37, 67, 329, 372,
Bohr, Niels, 26
Brady, Mildred Edie, xii, 193n, 202n,
207n, 214 , 223, 223n, 254,264, 363,
398, 419
Breit, Harvey, 241- 2
British Journal of Medical Psychology,
Bronowski, Jacob, 326
Buhler, Charlotte, 14, 14n, 15
Cancer Biopathy, The (Reich), 212,
212n, 213
Character Analysis (Reich) , 6, 62n, 20-
2 , 24,37,41, 145, 145n, 203-4, 213 ,
238,244,255,258, 30 6,^315 , 329,
337, 397
Charakteranalyse, see Character
Children of the Future (Reich), 302-3,
Churchill, Winston, 49, 52, 374-5, 381
Clifford, John D., Jr., 396, 396n
Collins, Eldon, 229, 229n, 249, 25 1, 256
Communist Party, vii, 17, 17n, 36• 93-4,
96, 166, 173, 205-6, 243, 260, 289 -9 1,
366, 393
Complex, 279n, 281, 326, 326n
Contributions to Psychoanalysis, 1921-
1945 (Klein ), 24In
cosmic orgone energy (CO RE), 382,
382n, 385 -6, 394. 404
Cosmic Orgone Engineering (CORE), x,
382, 382 n
Cosmic Superimposition (Reich), 27Sn,
334 , 334n, 346-7, 368 - 9