Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
(a) The sign of cure in the adult is the reaching of the O. Reflex.
But what is the criterion of cure in a child who is in the pre­

orgastic stage? I suggest a happy face and a loose tummy?

(b) In the journal, I want to see an article: Why is Man a Moralist?
by W.R. (I know he became one the first time he held his
breath, but why did he hold his breath anyway?)
(c) Is sex repression by moral training enough? I ask because a
stallion cannot perform the sexual act without the assistance
of the keeper (wer muss das Glied fiihren [who should guide the
member]). In domesticity the horse has no moral training, but
his sex function apparently deteriorates. Why? Artificial food,
housing, ventilation? And if so with domestic animals, how with
domestic humans? Wrong food, clothes, beds, bad air in rooms,
tobacco, alcohol, coffee, chairs and w.c.'s that give unnatural
sitting? In short, can there be a universal natural orgastic life
when the rest of life is unnatural? Trobriands may be fine fellows,
but they don't have the Kultur that makes bombs and poison gas,
prisons and politicians.

(d) The book throws more light on the adult than on the child. I

feel you are afraid of children and avoid them.

  • I •

Summerhill School
Festiniog, North Wales
July 9, 1942
My dear Reich,
This letter looks hopeful. * Send me permission to negotiate
with them. The Reich baIl has been set rolling over here, and your books
published here would sell well.

  • I •

  • Enclosed was a short letter to Neill from the publishing firm of Allen and
    Unwin saying that they would be glad to have an opportunity of studying the
    psychological works of Reich and of examining the volume to which he had

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