Geotechnical Engineering

(Jeff_L) #1


15.11 What is the ultimate load which an eccentrically loaded square footing of 2 m size with an eccen-
tricity of 0.40 m can take at a depth of 0.6 m in a soil with γ = 20 kN/m^3 , c = 12 kN/m^2 , and φ = 30°,
Nc = 30, Nq = 18, and Nγ = 15.
15.12 Proportion a strap footing for the following data:
Allowable soil pressures:
for DL + reduced LL : 180 kN/cm^2
for DL + LL : 270 kN/m^2
Column A Column B
DL 500 kN 660 kN
LL 400 kN 850 kN
Distance c/c of columns: 5 m
Projection beyond column A not to exceed 0.5 m.
15.13 Proportion a rectangular combined footing for the data of Problem 15.12,
15.14 Proportion a trapezoidal combined footing for the data of Problem 15.12, if the projection beyond
both columns cannot exceed 0.5 m.
15.15 A raft, 8 m × 24 m, is founded at a depth of 4 m in sand with a value of N = 20 up to great depth.
What is the total load which the raft can support? What will be the total capacity if it is to act as
a floating foundation at this depth?
Assume γ = 20 kN/m^3.

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