Sunshine Girl and Crystal
A princess might have envied the infant Edda Göring her
beauty as a child. Her parents called her “Sunshine.” Her fore-
head and her eyes betrayed a trace of her father’s arrogance.
Millions of picture postcards were sold of him enfolding her in
his arms. Reich Bishop Müller officiated at her christening on
November , , and Hitler himself acted as godfather. The
wiser men of Germany came bearing gifts. Milch gave one Lucas
Cranach, the burghers of Cologne another. A million Luftwaffe
officers and men subscribed to build a very special doll’s house
for her in an orchard at Carinhall a miniature Sans Souci Pal-
ace with kitchens, drawing rooms, and dolls to scale. Her fourth
birthday would see her wearing a Hussar’s red uniform manu-
factured by the State Theater’s costume workshops; her fifth,
learning the piano; her sixth, meeting an orphan plucked at