Göring. A Biography

(Michael S) #1

  is the son of a Royal Navy
commander. Imperfectly educated at Lon-
don’s Imperial College of Science & Technol-
ogy and at University College, he subsequently
spent a year in Germany working in a steel
mill and perfecting his fluency in the lan-
guage. In  he published The Destruction of
Dresden. This became a best-seller in many
countries. Among his thirty books (including
several in German), the best-known include Hitler’s War; The
Trail of the Fox: The Life of Field Marshal Rommel; Accident, the
Death of General Sikorski; The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe; and
Nuremberg, the Last Battle. The second volume of his Churchill's
War appeared in  and he is now completing the third vol-
ume. Many of his works are available as free downloads at

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