Göring. A Biography

(Michael S) #1


Göring with his mother and sisters 
The World War  fighting ace 
Göring proudly displays his “Blue Max” 
Carin von Fock 
Göring and Carin in Venice 
The interior of Carinhall 
Hitler and Göring at Carin’s reburial 
Göring addresses the Prussian parliament 
Hitler and his commanders at Armed Forces Day 
Göring weds Emmy Sonnemann 
Göring frisks with a pet lion cub 
The animal kingdom salutes Göring 
Göring’s motor yacht Carin  
Hitler’s commanders-in-chief 
A rare candid shot of Hitler 
Emmy and Edda Göring at Fischhorn Castle 
Göring in his Nuremberg prison cell 
Göring and Hess in the dock 
Göring savors prison fare 
Göring and Lieutenant Jack G. Wheelis 
Nuremberg physician Dr. Ludwig Pflücker 
Brass bullet and glass cyanide vial 
Postmortem 

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