Göring. A Biography

(Michael S) #1

Thomas Dodd, one of Jackson’s prosecuting staff, had alleged
that Göring had directed Heydrich to kill the Jews and had or-
dered Allied airmen shot. To challenge the incriminating ste-
nograms of his war conferences, Göring argued that the tribu-
nal’s own shorthand record showed how inaccurate such tran-
scripts could be. As for the administrative crimes of the Nazi
forces in occupied Europe, Göring scoffed that these were no
more criminal than those of the victors now  in suspending
the Geneva Convention, dismantling industry, confiscating
property, and enslaving millions of Germans.
A letter arrived from Edda, stamped   
 , . She had enclosed a pressed flower plucked from
their forest.

My darling Daddy!
How happy I was when the chaplain visited us, he
was kind and nice but sadly he couldn’t stay long.
Aunt Fanny [Carin’s sister] and Aunt Erna were here
too and brought me crayons and a coloring book and
I was very happy.... Aunt Else brought me a few
pictures, including one of you, that was the most
beautiful present!... If only you could come here
quickly and walk through the forest with me, how
beautiful it would be!!! The forester’s puppy is much
bigger, I play with it all the time, it’s so sweet.
Mama was sad she didn’t hear you on the radio. I
would have given up all my toys just to hear your
voice. Mommy has told me she’s going to be allowed
to see you. I’d like to see you frightfully too. Can’t I
come as well? I’m sooooo fond of you and it’s so aw-
fully long since I saw you. Oh, Papa, if only I could
come too!
Mommy has taught me almost the whole of [Frie-
drich Schiller’s ballad] “The Bell,” and I learned the
rest by myself and recited it to Mommy and she was
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