their thoughts.
While I am writing this [noted Carin that morning,
February ] my Hermann is stalking up and down
the room, occasionally leafing through a book, jotting
something down, glancing at the clock, looking at the
ceiling, sighing out loud, laughing, tossing a smile at
me... but beneath all that I can feel so keenly how he
is shaking within, trembling for Hitler!!!
The Munich trial ended with short prison sentences. In Inns-
bruck the Görings lunched that day with Paula Hitler and tried
to look on the bright side.
The more we think about Hitler’s sentence [wrote
Carin on April ] the better it looks to us.... When
he is released, he can pick up where he left off, but
with hundreds of thousands of new followers who
came to him during the trial because of his wonderful,
noble character and intellect!... He received a brand-
new automobile yesterday as a gift from Director
Bechstein you know, the piano and airplane
manufacturer. It is a Benz eight-seater, one-hundred
horsepower, specially ordered and built for Hitler;
and when the amnesty comes there will be another ex-
actly the same waiting for Hermann, a six-seater pre-
sented by Bechstein.
On March , the Innsbruck authorities had issued a passport to
Göring. But then Carin, who had been disturbed by his in-
creasing depression resulting from the injury and his inglorious
role as a voiceless exile during the trial, took a step that was again
to change their lives. After paying a farewell visit to Hermann’s
empty villa in Munich on April , she decided to see Hitler
himself in jail. Afterward, the incarcerated Führer would in-