Engineering Economic Analysis

(Chris Devlin) #1
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As.illustrated in Figure 5-1, we may assumethat Alternative 1 will bereplacedby an identical
machineafter its 7-year useful life. Alternative 2 hasa 13-yearuseful life. The dieselmanufacturer
has provided an estimated market value of the equipment at the time of the analysis period. As
such we can now comparethe two choices over 10 yearsas follows:

PW (Alt. 1) = -50,000 + (10,000--50,000)(P/F,8%,7)+20,000(P/F,8%,10)

= -50,000 - 40,000(0.5835)+ 20,000(0.4632)

= -$64,076

PW (Alt. 2,)= -75,000 +15,000(P/F,8%, 10)

- -75,000 +. 15,000(0.4632)

= -$69,442
To minimize PW of coststhe diesel manufacturer should selectAlt 1.

  1. Infinite Analysis Period: Capitalized Cost
    Another difficulty in presentworth analysis arises when we encounter an infinite analysis
    period(n=00). In governmentalanalyses, a service or condition sometimes must be main-
    tained for an infinite period. The need for roads, dams, pipelines, and other components
    of national, state, or local infrastructure is sometimes considered to be permanent. In these
    situations a present worth of cost analysis would have an infinite analysis period. We call
    this particular analysis capitalized cost.
    Capitalized cost is the present sum of money that would need to be set asidenow,at some
    interest rate, to yield the funds required to provide the service (or whatever) indefinitely.To
    accomplish this, the money set aside for future expenditures must not decline. The interest
    received on the money set aside can be spent, but not the principal. When one stops to
    think about an infinite analysis period (as opposed to something relatively short, like a
    hundred years), we see that an undiminished principal sum is essential; otherwise one will
    of necessity run out of money prior to infinity.
    In Chapter 4 we saw that

principal sum + interest for the period=amount at end of J?~!i0d,or
P + iP = P+iP

If we spendi P,then in the next interest period the principal sumPwill again increase to
P+i P.Thus, we can again spendi P. -
This concept may be illustrated by a numerical example. Suppose you deposited $200
in a bank that paid4%interestannually.Howmuchmoneycouldbe withdrawneachyear
without reducing the balance in the account below the initial $200? At the end of the first

year, the $200 would have earned 4%($200) =$8 interest. If this interest were withdrawn,

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