! i
I ;
6-30 Your company must make a $500,000 balloon pay-
ment on a lease 2 years and 9 months from today.
You have been directed to deposit an amount of
money quarterly, beginning today, to provide for the
$500,000 payment. The account pays 4% per year,
compounded quarterly. What is the required quarterly
deposit?Note:Lease payments are due at beginning
of the quarter.
A manufacturer is considering replacing a produc-
tion machine tool. The new machine, costing $3700,
would have a life of 4 years and no salvage value,
but would save the firm $500 per year in direct la-
bor costs and $200 per year indirect labor costs. The
existing machine tool was purchased 4 years ago at a
cost of $4000. It will last 4 more years and will have
no salvage value at the end of that time. It could be
sold now for $1000 cash. Assume that money is worth
8% and that the difference in taxes, insurance, and so
forth, for the two alternatives is negligible. Use an
annual cash flow analysis to determine whether the
new machine should be purchased.
1\vo possible routes for a power line are under study.
Data on the routes are as follows:
First cost
Useful life, in years
Salvage value
Yearly power loss
Annual property taxes
the Lake
2% of first cost
the Lake
2% of first cost
If 7 % interest is used, should the power line be routed
around the lake or under the lake? (Answer:Around
the lake.)
An oil refinery finds that it is now necessary to subject
its waste liquids to a costly treating process before dis-
charging them into a nearby stream. The engineering
department estimates that the waste liquid processing
will have cost $30,000 by the end of the first year. By
making process and plant alterations, it is estimated
that the waste treatment cost will decline $3000 each
year. As an alternate, a specialized firm, Hydro-Clean,
has offered a contract to process the waste liquids for
10 years for a fixed price of$15,000 per year, payable
at the end of each year. Either way, there should be
no need for waste treatment after 10 years. The re-
finery manager considers 8% to be a suitable interest
rate. Use an annual cash flow analysis to determine
whether he should accept the Hydro-Clean offer.
6-34 Bill Anderson buys an automobile every 2 years a!
follows: initially he makes a down payment of $600C
on a $15,000 car. The balance is paid in 24 equa:
monthly payments with annual interest at 12%. Wher
he has made the last payment on the lo~n, he trade!
in the 2-year-old car for $6000 on a new $15,000 car
and the cycle begins over again.
Doug Jones decided on a different purchase plan
He thought he would be better off if he paid $15,OOC
cash for a new car. Then he would make a monthly de.
posit in a savings account so that, at the end of2 years
he would have $9000 in the account. The $9000 plm
the $6000 trade-in value of the car will allow Dou~
to replace his 2-year-old car by paying $9000 for,
new one. The bank pays 6% interest, compoundec
quarterly. '..
(a) What is Bill Anderson's monthly payment to pa)
off the loan on the car?
(b) After he purchased the new car for cash, ho"
much per month should Doug Jones deposit ii
his savings account to have sufficient money fo]
the next car two years hence?
(c) Why is Doug's monthly savings account deposi
smaller than Bill's payment?
6-35 Alice White has arranged to buy some home record.
ing equipment. She estimates that it will have a 5-ye3.J
useful life and no salvage value. The dealer, who is ,
friend, has offered Alice two alternative ways to pa~
for the equipment:
(a) Pay $2000 immediately and $500 at the end 0:
one year.
(b) Pay nothing until the end of 4 years, when a singh
payment of $3000 must be made.
Alice believes 12% is a suitable interest rate
Use an annual cash flow analysis to determine whicl
method of payment she should select.
6-36 Two mutually exclusive alternatives are being con
o I 2 3 4 5
+ 1400
+ 1400
+1400 ;'