Engineering Economic Analysis

(Chris Devlin) #1

The valUeof the IRR is between 4 and 5%. By interpolation,


999.96 -950.00

... 4.43%

IRR 4%t (1%) 999.96 -883.10

!he nominal interestrate is 2 x 4.43 % ' 8.86%. Tbe ef(ective interestra.te is (1+ 0.0443)L.,. 1.


Rate of return analysis is probably the most frequently used exact analysis technique'
in industry. Although problems in computing rate of return sometimes occur, its major
advantageoutweighs the occasional difficulty.The major advantageis that we can compute
a single figure of merit that is readily understood.
Consider these statements:

·The net present worth on the project is $32,000.
·The equivalent uniform annual net benefit is $2800.
·The project will produce a 23% rate of return.

While none of these statements tells ~e complete story, the third one gives a measure
of desirability of the project in terms that are wide.1yunderstood. It is this acceptance by
engineers and business leaders alike of rate of return that has promoted its more frequent
use than present worth or annual cash flow methods.
There is another advantage to rate of return analysis. In both present worth and annual
cash flow calculations, one must select an interest rate for use in the calculations-and
this may be a difficult and controversial item. In rate of return analysis, no interest rate is
introducedinto the calculations(exceptas describedin Appendix7A). Instead,we compute a
rate of return (more accurately calledinternal rate of return)from the cash flow.To decide
how,to proceed, the calculated rate of return is compared with a preselected minimum
attractive rate of return, or simply MARR. This is the same value ofiused for present
worth and annual cash flow analysis.
When there are two alternatives, rate of return analysis is performed by computing
theincremental rate of return-~IRR-on the difference between the alternatives. Since
we want to look at increments of investment, the cash flow for the difference between the
alternativesis computed by taking the higher initial-cost alternativeminusthe lower initial-
cost alternative. If ~IRR is the same or greater than the MARR, choose the higher-cost
alternative. If .6.IRRis less than the MARR, choose the lower-cost alternative.
Two-Alternative Situation

Choose the higher-cost alternative
Choose the lower-cost alternative

Rate of return and incremental rate of return analysis are illustrated by Examples 7-5
through 7-8.'

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