----- --- -. .-----------
The Benefit-Cost Ratio 497
Using Annu~ Worth
AW benefits=225,000+300,000(AIF,8%, 30) = $227,600
AW costs = 1,500,000(AI P,8%,30) + 65,000 = $198,200
BICratio = 2,563,000 = 25,790,000 = 227,600 = 1.15. .. ... .......
One can see that the ratio provided by each of these methods produces the sameresult: 1.15.
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An economic analy~is is performed to assist in the objective of making a decision.
When one is using the BICratio, the decision rule is in two parts:
If the BICratio is; 1.0,then the decisionshouldbe to "invest."
If the BICratio is < 100,then the decisionshouldbe "do not invest."
Cases of a BICratiojust equal to1.0 are analogous to the case of a calculated n.etpresent
worth of $0 or an IRR analysis that yieldsi =MARR%. In other words, the decision
measure isjust atthe breakeven criteria. In such cases a detailed analysis of the input
variables and their estimates is necessary, and one should consider the merlts of other
available opportunities for the targeted funds. But, if the BICratio is greater than or less
than 1.0, the recommendation is clear.
TheB/Cratio is a numerator/denominatorrelationship between the equivalentworths
(EW) ofbenefitsandcosts:..
EW of net benefits to whomsoeverthey may accrue
EW of costs to the sponsors of the project
The numerator and denominator aspects of the ratio are sometimes interpreted and used
in different fashions. For instance, the conventionalB/C ratio defines the numerator and
denominator as follows:
EW of net benefits
Conventional BICratio=EW of initial costs + EW of operating and maintenance costs
This is the formulation of theB/Cratio used in Example 16-2. However, there is another
version of the ratio, called the modified BIC ratio. Using amodifiedversion, the numerator
and denominator are defined in a different manner: theannual operating and maintenanc~
coststo the users are subtracted in the numerator, whereas they are added as a cost in the
denominator. In this case the ratio becomes:
M d
OlefidB/Cratio^0 =EW of net benefits - EW of operating and maintenance costs
EW of initial costs