Engineering Economic Analysis

(Chris Devlin) #1

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Incremental Benefit-Cost Analysis^503

As .an example of these calculations, consider the third increment (I~ II).
APlant construction cost = 11,000- 12,500= -$1500
AAnnualO&Mcost = 480 - 120 =$360
PW of ACosts =-1500 +360(P/A,8%,45)=$2859
or =16,812 - 13,953=$2859
=700 - 580=$120
=550 -700 =-$150
= 750 - 400 =$350

=(120 - 150 +350)(P/A,8%,45)

= $3875
= 3875/2850 = 1.36

AAnnual utility payment savings
AAnnual overcapacity revenue
dAnnual benefits of newjobs
PW of dBenefits

AB/C ratio (PW dB)/(PW dC)

Step 8 The analysis in the table proceeded as follows: do nothing to Alternative I was justified
(AB/ C ratio=1.46), Alternative I became the new base; Alternative I to Alternative
ill was not justified (AB/C ratio = -'-1.15), Alternative I remained base; Alternative
I td Alternative II was justified (dB/C ratio=1.36), Alternative II became the base;
Alternative II to Alternative IV was not justified (.AB/C ratio=0.35), and Aiternativell
became the recommended power plant design alternative because it is the one associated
with the last justified increment. All alternatives in the feasible set were considered before
the recommendation was produced. Notice that Alternative ill, even though included in
the feasible set, did not affect the recommendation and was eliminated through the
incremental method. Notice also that the first increment considered (do nothing ~ I)
was not selected even though it had thelargestAB/C ratio (1.45). Selection is based on
the alternative associated with thelast justified increment (in this case, Alt. II).

Let us reconsider Example 16-4, this time using the modified B/C ratio to analyze the set of
cr 'peting design alternatives. Again we will use the present worth method.


Here we use the modified B/C ratio.

Step 1 The alternatives are still do nothing and designs I, II, ill, and IV.

Step 2 We calculate the modified B/C ratio using the PW of benefits and costs~

B/C ratio (I) =(580 + 700 + 400 - 120)(P/A,8%, 45)/(12,500) = 1.51

B/C ratio (II) = (700+ 550 + 750 - 480)(P/A,=-:8%,45)/(11,000)..:;;;:r;~~=:tiC. 1.67

B/C ratio (III)=(200 + 950 + 150 - 325)(P/A,8%,45)/(12,500) =0.95

B/C ratio (IV)=(1300+ 250+ 500- 145)(P/ A,8%=45)/(16,&00)-).37






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