Problems 515
TABLEP16-25 Data
Mutually Exclusive Alternatives
1 2 3 4 5
Annualized 15.5 13.7 16.8 10.2 17.0 23.3
net costs to
sponsor ($M)
Annualized 20.0 16.0 15.0 13.7 22.0 25.0
net benefits to
users ($M)
(a)Use annual worth and the B/C ratio to identify
the better alternative.
(b)If this were a set ofindependentalternatives, how
would you conduct a comparison?
Mr. O'Gratias, a top manager in his company, has
been asked to consider the following mutually exclu-
sive investment alternatives.
--~ -
Answer the following questions.
(a)Use theconventional B/C ratio to evaluate the
alternatives and make a recommendation.
(b)Use themodifiedB/C ratio to evaluate the alter-
natives and make a recommendation.
(c)Use a present worth analysis to evaluate the alter-
natives and make a recommendation.
(d) Use an internal rate ofretum analysis to evaluate
the alternatives and make a recommendation.
(e) Use the simple payback period to evaluate the
alternatives and make a recommendation.
Initial investment $9500 $18,500 $22,000
Annual savings^3200 5,000 9,800
Annual costs (^1000) 2,750 6,400
Salvagevalue^6000 4,200 14,000
Project life, in years^151515
MARR 12% 12% 12%