
(Kaasyap Sai) #1


Electrical energy
Lightning is caused
by electrical energy
in a storm cloud.
The electrical
energy turns
into the heat
and light energy
of lightning and
the sound energy
of thunder.

What is energy?

Energy cannot be destroyed. It turns into another form of energy when it’s used.

Movement energy
Rollercoasters start from the
top of a hill, where their
height gives them a lot
of potential energy. As
they move downhill,
the potential
energy turns into
movement energy
(kinetic energy),
making them go
faster and faster.

Nuclear energy

Matter is made up of tiny

particles called atoms.
The centre of an atom,
called a nucleus, stores
huge amounts of energy.
This nuclear energy is
used in power stations to
make electricity.

coal produces
heat energy,
which is used
to boil water.
Boiling water
creates steam.

Moving steam
is a form of
kinetic (motion)
energy, which
operates turbines.

The kinetic
energy produced
by the moving
turbines creates

Electrical energy used by television sets
changes into light, sound, and heat energy.

Coal contains
chemical energy.

Chain reactions

Changing energy from one

type to another is called

“energy conversion”.

The steps can be linked

to make an energy chain.

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