
(Kaasyap Sai) #1

Moon journey


The three astronauts
worked and slept in
the command module.

Mission commander
Neil Armstrong struggled
to find a flat landing site.
He succeeded with just
seconds to spare.

The Eagle has landed

The lunar module (the part

of Apollo 11 that landed) was

also known as the Eagle. It

touched down on the surface

of the moon on 20 July, 1969.


4 The command
and service modules
reattach to the lunar
module, which is still
connected to the rocket.

5 The rest of the

rocket is discarded

while the command,

service, and lunar

modules continue

to the moon.

6 The journey has taken
102 hours, 45 minutes. The
lunar module is ready to land.

8 The lunar module joins the
command and service modules
so the two lunar astronauts can
climb through. The lunar module
is then abandoned.


an expert

280-281 Men on the

276-277 Rockets,

Apollo 11

7 The command
and service modules
orbit the moon (one
astronaut remains on
board) while the lunar
module lands. Two
astronauts walk
on the moon.
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