Mathematical Modeling in Finance with Stochastic Processes

(Ben Green) #1


Wshift(0) =W(0 +h)−W(h) = 0.

(d) As the composition and difference of continuous functions,Wshift
is continuous.

Wscale(t) =cW(t/c^2 )

(a) The increment

Wscale(t)−Wscale(s) =cW((t)/c^2 )−cW(s/c^2 ) =c(W(t/c^2 )−W(s/c^2 ))

is normally distributed because it is a multiple of a normally dis-
tributed random variable. Since the incrementW(t/c^2 )−W(s/c^2 )
has mean zero, then

Wscale(t)−Wscale(s) =c(W(t/c^2 )−W(s/c^2 ))

must have mean zero. The variance is







(cW((t)/c^2 )−cW(s/c^2 ))^2


=c^2 E


(W(t/c^2 )−W(s/c^2 ))^2


=c^2 (t/c^2 −s/c^2 ) =t−s.

(b) Note that ift 1 < t 2 ≤ t 3 < t 4 , thent 1 /c^2 < t 2 /c^2 ≤ t 3 /c^2 <
t 4 /c^2 , and the corresponding incrementsW(t 4 /c^2 )−W(t 3 /c^2 ) and
W(t 2 /c^2 )−W(t 1 /c^2 ) are independent. Then the multiples of each
bycare independent and soWscale(t 4 )−Wscale(t 3 ) andWscale(t 2 )−
Wscale(t 1 ) are independent.
(c) Wscale(0) =cW(0/c^2 ) =cW(0) = 0.
(d) As the composition of continuous functions,Wscaleis continuous.

Theorem 16.SupposeW(t)is a Standard Wiener Process. Then the trans-
formed processesWinv(t) =tW(1/t)for t > 0 ,Winv(t) = 0for t= 0is a
version of the Standard Wiener Process.

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