Introduction to The Hebraic biography of Y'shua

(Tina Meador) #1

shortcomings and sin by recognising the atonement and forgiveness provided for us at the crucifixion stake.
Just like the Israelite debtor whose debt was forgiven in the sabbatical year, YHWH has made a way to pay
the price for our spiritual debts that we cannot pay ourselves.

There is a connection between the message of Jubilee and the coming of the Messiah. Y‘shua announced
His Messiahship in Luke 4:14-22, when He opened the Torah scroll in the synagogue one Sabbath in
Nazareth and read Isaiah 61:1-2, a well-understood messianic passage:

―The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has
sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the
oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor‖. Y‘shua then said, ―Today this Scripture is fulfilled
in your hearing‖.

During Y‘shua's ministry, He demonstrated the messianic attributes promised in this passage, which are the
same characteristics of the Year of Jubilee, and more. He came to "preach good news (the Gospel) to the
poor - proclaim freedom for the prisoners - release to the oppressed (those who are downtrodden, bruised,
crushed and broken down by calamity) - and the year of the Lord's favor‖.

Y‘shua understood this passage as referring to Himself, and He joined together the two concepts of the
coming of Messiah and Jubilee. By proclaiming ―the year of the Lord's favor‖, Y‘shua was proclaiming the
Jubilee; that is, the year which most pleases YHWH because it is the year of release for all people. Y‘shua
understood that both had been fulfilled in His own coming.

Y‘shua is our Jubilee. We don't have to wait 50 years to find our freedom, release, restoration, and
redemption. The year of YHWH's favour is now, if we want to accept it. Through Messiah Y‘shua, a perpetual
Jubilee has been provided and this blessing can become a pattern of daily life and practice for those who
believe; not only receiving this Jubilee for ourselves, but by being a part of expressing YHWH's Jubilee to
YHWH has made the first move and provided the way. All we have to do is call upon Him through prayer,
confess our sin and need of YHWH's Jubilee (release) in our lives, and then accept His redemption and the
benefits YHWH releases in all areas of our life. We need to believe YHWH and step out and claim it.


1) Though there are many man-made calendars in existence today, the one that has gained the
attention of the world is the Gregorian Calendar. It is the one used in every office of the civilised
2) The oldest calendar, however, is the Sacred Calendar of the God of Israel. It was in existence
before Noah's flood—before the Babylonian, Egyptian, Persian, Grecian and Roman empires came
on the scene.

3) There are certain Sabbaths mentioned in the sacred calendar. They belong to Yahweh the Almighty
God of Israel. They are not Jewish feasts, they are the feasts of YHWH thy God.

4) The Feasts of YHWH are Memorials of Salvation; each and every one being a reminder of some
great act in the programme of salvation.

5) These weekly and annual Sabbaths were all kept holy by the Saviour, the Apostles (including
Paul) and the early church. They should be kept by all true believers in YHWH God of the Bible.

6) Pagan festivals were introduced into the church in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th centuries when multitudes of
semi-converted Gentiles began to profess "Christ". The festivals of Christmas, Ash Wednesday,
Easter, Hallowe'en and Sunday worship are all adopted from paganism. These have no Scriptural
basis whatsoever.

7) The Sabbaths of YHWH constitute His Sign, His signature on the human mind.
8) Pagan festivals constitute the Mark of the Beast, the Signature of Satan. In an end-time spiritual
election, all mankind will be required to choose between YHWH's Sign and the Beast's Mark.
9) The Time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation slot into periods of time between the Feast Days in
a correct calendar.
10) The Sabbaths of the Almighty are rest days on which holy convocations (commanded assemblies)
are held. Failure to keep the Sabbaths of YHWH is a dangerous and sinful thing. The only work
permitted is the preparation of food for the Feasts and life-saving activity. No servile work (physical
labour and business activity) is allowed.
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