Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
Eat to Live 145

Predictable Disease Reversal Is the Rule, Not the Exception

The overwhelming majority of my patients with high blood pressure

are able to normalize their readings and eventually go off their med-
ication. The majority of my patients with angina can end their symp-
toms of coronary artery disease in the first few months on the diet I
prescribe. Most of the rest make a recovery, but it takes longer. The
point is, they do recover.

More than 90 percent of my Type II diabetics are able to eventu-
ally discontinue their insulin within the first month. More than 80
percent of my chronic headache and migraine sufferers recover with-
out medication, after years of looking for relief with various physi-
cians, including headache specialists.

Some people, especially other physicians, may be skeptical.
There are so many exaggerated and false claims made in the health
field, especially by those selling so-called natural remedies. Never-
theless, it is wrong to underestimate the results obtainable through
appropriate but rigorous nutritional intervention. Even many of my
patients with autoimmune illnesses (such as lupus, rheumatoid arthri-
tis, asthma, and hyperthyroidism) are able to recover and throw
away their medications. The results are so spectacular that I am sub-
jected to skepticism and even periodic expressions of anger from
other physicians.

When one of my patients who had a severe case of rheumatoid
arthritis went back to her previous physician, a rheumatoiogist, and
told him she was now well and did not require any medication, he
replied, "It must just be that you arc resting more." She said, "I'm not
resting more. In fact, I am more active than ever because my pain
is gone, and I stopped the drugs." He replied, "It's just a temporary
remission; you'll be back soon with another crisis." She never went

On the positive side, more and more physicians are becoming in-
terested in nutritional intervention. Such care is clearly more cost-
effective, reduces health-care expenditures, and saves lives. Nothing
is more emotionally rewarding for a physician than to watch patients
actually get better. How can this not catch on?
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