Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
228 JoelFuhrman, M.D.

garding serious and potentially lethal side effects associated with the

use of products containing ephedra, including arrhythmias, heart at-

tacks, strokes, psychosis, abnormal liver function, seizures, rapid

heart rate, anxiety, and stomach pain.^7 Ephedra is so dangerous that

it has been linked with fatalities — even a low dose has detrimental

health effects. Conclusion: it's not worth the risk.

What about drugs for weight loss?

Remember: for anything to be effective, you have to be on it forever.

Even if the drugs were remarkably effective, you would have to be

prepared to stay on them forever; the minute you stopped, the ben-

efits would slowly be lost. In the long run, it is still your diet that de-

termines your health and your weight. The amphetamine-related

appetite suppressants have received much press, and they were quite

popular until their dangers became more well known. They were
never approved for long-term use, so it wasn't very wise for people
to use them.

The two FDA-approved drugs for weight reduction are Meridi
(sibutramine) and Xenical (orlistat). Meridia can cause headache, in-
somnia, constipation, dry mouth, and hypertension and is only
slightly helpful. Xenical, the fat inhibitor, can cause abdominal pain
and diarrhea, and reduces absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins such
as D, E, and K. It may help those who consume an unhealthful, fatty
diet, but even then it is hardly worth the side effects. Overall, drugs
are drugs — they are a poor substitute for healthy living.

Can't I eat chocolate, ice cream, or other junk food ever again?

You can eat anything you desire, on occasion, but just don't make a
habit of it. Try to be very strict the first three months in order to doc-
ument how much weight you can expect to lose when you eat sen-
sibly. We are all tempted by these treats. It is easier to resist if you get
them out of your house completely. All cheats should be done out-
side of your home. If possible, associate with friends who will sup-
port you in recovering your health — or may join you in trying to be

Once you regain your health and feel great, you are less likely to
crave these foods or be so tempted. Then, when you do deviate from
a healthful diet, it is likely you will feel poorly, have a persistent dry
mouth, and not sleep well. If you go off your diet and eat junk food
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