Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
230 Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Are there other strategies for success in the weight-loss arena?

This is not a book on stress management, social support, or stimulus

control. Entire books have been written on these subjects. Clearly, it

is eat healthfully in our crazy world, where it seems that

everyone else is on a vendetta to commit suicide with food. That

said, some of the following suggestions have proven helpful for

people trying to lose weight:

Social support: Include family and friends in your plan. Ask others
to read this book — not with the purpose of recruiting them to this
way of eating, but so they will support you and understand why you
are eating this way. If they are truly your friends, they will support
you in your desire to improve your health and will try to have the
right food choices available when you are around. Maybe they will
even join you on your quest. It is extremely helpful to find at least
one friend to join you or support you on your road back to superior

Stimulus control: Implement strategies to prevent temptation and
exposure to sedentary activities or social eating. The most important
stimulus-control technique is structuring your environment. This
means removing temptation from your home and stocking your cup-
boards and refrigerator with the proper foods. Eat only at the kitchen
table, not while watching television. When you finish dinner, clean
up and leave the kitchen area, then brush and floss your teeth, so
you are not tempted to return and snack again. Lay out your exercise
clothes for the morning so you are reminded to begin your day with
your exercise program.

When going out to social situations, eat first or bring your own
food if you cannot arrange in advance to have food that meets your
needs. Volunteer to bring food for the other guests, too; then you
have something you can eat without distress. Try not to make food
the center of your life. Keep active with interests that keep you from
thinking about eating.

Positive visualization and other relaxation techniques: Pro-
gressive muscle relaxation and meditation are designed to reduce
tension and provide a distraction for stressful events.^9 For many,
stress is a predictor of relapse and unhealthful eating. We need both
exercise and sufficient rest and sleep to best deal with the stress in
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