Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
250 Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

cvaics as a result of certain nutri-
tional deficiencies (especially Bl2 or
folate) or because of biochemical vari-
ance; the elevation ol homocysteine
has been implicated in coronary artery
disease and heart attacks
Hypertension high blood pressure
Ischemia deficiency of blood flow and
subsequent oxygenation secondary to
constriction or obstruction ol a blood
\ esse]
Ketosis an abnormally high concentra-
tion of ketone bodies in the blood,
caused by poorly controlled diabetes
(high serum glucose) or prolonged car-
bohydrate insufficiency, such as in fast-
ing or carbohydrate-restricted diets
Lipids a group of water-insoluble fatly
substances that serve biological func-
tions in the body; an expression to
represent the group of lipoproteins
affecting heart disease risk, such as
cholesterol, triglycerides, and their
component subtypes
Liposuction the most common cos-
metic procedure in the United States,
which involves inserting and manip-
ulating a narrow tube to break up
and then suction out fat under the
Macronutrients fats, carbohydrates, and
protein, which supply calories (energy)

and are necessary lor growth and
normal function
Micronutrients essential dietary ele-
ments required in small quantities for
various bodily needs, but not a source
of calories
Phytochemicals numerous newly dis-
covered micronutrients present in
plant foods with substantial ability to
maximize the body's defenses against
developing disease, including protec-
tion from toxins and carcinogens
Receptors a specifically shaped mole-
cule on or within a cell that recognizes
or binds with a particular similarly
shaped molecule, inducing a specific
response within the cell
Revascularization the restoration of
normal blood supply by means of a
blood vessel graft, as in coronary by-
pass surgery
Satiated full satisfaction of appetite or
thirst without further desire to ingest
more food or drink
Sequelae later illnesses or afflictions
caused by an initial illness or afflic-
Thrombus an aggregation of blood fac-
tors forming a clot, frequently caus-
ing vascular obstruction at its point of
Vascular pertaining to a blood vessel
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