Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1

282 Index

atherosclerosis (continued)
post-surgical (restenosis). 152
reversal of, 151, 153-56, 196
See also heart disease
Atkins, Robert, and Atkins diet, 5, 42,

92-98, 99. 106
autoimmune illnesses, 127, 145
dietary treatment of (vs. drugs).

bagels, 33. See also white bread or
Barnard. Neal, 113
Barnett, Robert, 11 3
Basic Four Food Group Guide, 141
Bay. Eli, 231
Beano, 197
beans/legumes. See soy products;
beta-carotene, 55-56, 225, 226, 237.
See also vitamins
Black, John J., 129
blindness, 121, 159
Bloch, Abby. 54
blood-type (D'Adamo) diet, 107-13
blueberries, 31. See also fruit
Blumenthal, David, 158
body fat. See fat. body
body mass index (BMJ.)
formula for determining. 21-22
and mortality rate, 20
body temperature, low-calorie diet and.

  1. 25
    body weight. See weight, body
    Bogalusa Heart Study (1992), 19
    Boston Marathon, 156
    Bragg's Liquid Aminos. 196
    brain, the
    dietary drive controlled by, 26, 63
    glucose as fuel for, 97
    Brassica Chemoprotection Laboratory
    (Johns Hopkins). 43
    bread, whole wheat, 198. See also white
    bread or flour
    British Journal of Rheumatology, 172
    broccoli. See vegetables
    Burger King, 63-64, 134
    butter. See dairy products
    Butter Buds. 198, 238
    Byers, Tim, 47
    bypass surgery
    coronary, 6, 108, 152, 154, 155
    gastric, aftereffects of, 16-17

caffeine, 24, 165, 241-42
calcium balance, 85-87
dairy products and, 84
dietary' factors causing loss of, 86, 88,
plant loods as source of, 88, 90
from animal foods (recommended),
"average" consumption, 186
caloric density, 117-19
caloric ratios of common foods
(table). 119
counting. 190
deficiency in, with "gorilla diet," 62
"empty." set-junk food
from fat, 59, 116
in Atkins diet, 93, 96
in cheese, 136
in modem American diet, 100
liquid, 27
in low-nutrient foods, 186
and metabolic rate, 28-29
in oil, 39-41
from protein, 138, 139
in raw vegetables, 177
restricted, and life span, 24-26
three sources of, 7
from unrefined plant foods,
recommendations for, 67, 76
U.S. consumption of, ix
graph, 49
See also low-calorie diet; nutrient-
per-calorie ratio
Campbell. T. Colin. 69, 71, 85
calorie restriction and, 25
in China, varied rates of, 69
diet increasing risk of, 19,20
animal foods, 5, 54, 70, 71, 79-82,
93-94, 105, 232
dairy products, 88-89, 111
fats, 73, 83. 100, 125, 126, 134-35
fish, 129
refined foods, 32-33, 34, 44, 66
diet protecting against. 55-59, 71
fallacy concerning, 67, 68
fiber and, 46^17, 101
fruit and raw vegetables, 30-31, 43,
50, 53-54, 61, 74
mushrooms, 184
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